Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Book Brats Most Anticipated Books of 2012 - PART ONE

The Book Brats Most Anticipated Books of 2012
January-April Edition
There comes a time in every reviewers life when they look at Goodreads and see the lists of books to come out in the coming months and they squee a little. For me, that was January 8th, when this post was constructed. But if you are reading this, it's at least the 10th because that's when this post goes up. But enough with the rambles! I have decided that I need to feature my TOP TEN anticipated books of January through April, including some books I already have on my shelves yet to read. Please bear with me as I argue with myself and try to explain why I am not insane. This ramble should prove that I am indeed off my rocker. Also, this is mostly YA. I think somehow I am becoming a YA blogger, LOL.

ARCADIA AWAKENS (Arkadien #1) by Kai Meyer
Publishes February 14th, 2012 by Balzer + Bray
464 Pages // Hardcover
Rationale: COVER LUST. That and a plot involving the mafia, Italy, a plot full of fantastical creatures (tigers anyone?). I cannot wait to get my hands on this book. It's a translation from the original Germany, but it sounds deliciously awesome.

IMMORTAL CITY by Scott Speer
Publishes April 3rd, 2012 by Razorbill
336 Pages // Hardcover
Rationale: While I have heard mixed reviews about this one, the cover is amazing, and I am a sucker for plots involving angels. Not so much fallen angels, but this story about guardian angels as celebrities makes me go OOH! 

Publishes February 28th, 2012 by Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux (BYR)
288 Pages // Hardcover
Rationale: I loved the idea for this one so much that I sent a review request to the publisher. Sadly, never heard anything back, but I still cannot wait for this one. Vampires and magic and a dystopian future. Sounds so frickin cool.

EVERNEATH (Everneath #1) by Brodi Ashton
Publishes January 24th, 2012 by Balzer + Bray
384 Pages // Hardcover
Rationale: Requested this and was denied 3 times on Netgalley for this one. That's how awesome I think this one sounds, and the reviews have made me go gaga for this one. I love a good underworld story, and this one promises to fulfill the drama I so crave.

THE CHAOS by Nalo Hopkinson
Publishes April 12th, 2012 by Margaret K. McElderry
320 Pages // Hardcover
Rationale: I am definitely the type of reader who loves a good Caribbean tale, or at least one with a dialect involved. THE CHAOS brings fantasy and folklore and adventure, and it sounds super good. 

 EXOGENE (The Subterrene War #2) by T.C. McCarthy
Publishes March 1st, 2012 by Orbit
352 Pages // Mass Market Paperback
Rationale: This is book two in a series with different characters, but I don't care. The plot drew me in. It sounds kind of like a new adult version of the movie SOLDER with Kirk Russell meets BLADE RUNNER. And I am a sucker for science fiction.

 172 HOURS ON THE MOON by Johan Harstad
Publishes April 17th, 2012 by Little, Brown and Company
368 Pages // Hardcover
Rationale: Didn't I just say I was a sucker for science fiction? I did indeed. This one earned a distinct honor for the catalog referencing the movie ALIEN, so I can't help but want this book, and I want it NOW.

BORN WICKED (The Cahill Witch Chronicles #1) by Jessica Spotswood
Publishes February 7th, 2012 by Putnam Juvenile
326 Pages // Hardcover
Rationale: Besides the author being freaking awesome on Twitter, I love the plot. And this is one I actually have an ARC of, waiting for me patiently. Witches, historic romance, books - it has everything I want in a book. Can't wait to read this one.

 WHEN YOU OPEN YOUR EYES by Celeste Conway
Publishes March 201th, 2012 by Simon Pulse
304 Pages // Hardcover
Rationale: Yes, yes, I know I have a vendetta against abusive relationships in YA being portrayed positively. Well, this one makes sure to portray it as abusive. And that is why this book is so high up on my to read list. I CANNOT wait for this one.
And a drum roll please...

 GRAVE MERCY (His Fair Assassin #1) by Robin LaFevers
Publishes April 3rd, 2012 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
560 Pages // Hardcover
Rationale: I cannot stop talking about this one and how amazingly bad ass it sounds. Assassins, nuns kicking ass, the devil. This one is sitting on my shelf waiting for me and trust me when I say I cannot wait to discover Ismae's world.

Of course, there are dozens of others books I can't wait to crack into. This is just a sample of what I'm anticipating for the first four months of this year. This is going to be a great year!