Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We've Moved!

Dear Book Brats Friends,

Due in part to Blogger's recent antics, and due in another part to my desire to be like the cool kids (DAMN YOU PEER PRESSURE!), I have decided that it is time for Book Brats to move on to bigger, greener pastures. And trust me - this new pasture is AMAZING. And you should come and join me.

Starting from today on, Book Brats Reviews will be located at...

Be sure to update your bookmarks and start following me via Feedburner or email! Believe me, this only takes a few seconds and will make my day. And you can find all your favorite posts and new ones at the new site. So stop by, say hello, and help me break in my new home!

Thanks again for all your support! I LOVE YOU ALL!